RunninFool Runz On

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

RunninFool Meets The Blue Angel

Today I showed my class the last half of von Sternberg's Der Blaue Engel. As is customary for me, before beginning the film I asked the class, "Who's feelin' this film?" Their responses varied from astute and engaged to vague and worthless. And then, the highlight of my day. Miss M. pipes up and says, "I'm feelin' it because I've always wanted to see Marlene Dietrich sing that song." It didn't really matter to me that she didn't know the title of "that song" but something in me smiled broadly at the twinkle in her eye -- it was that of a genuine cinephile. And for a moment, I thought, "You go, little girl." And sing that song Miss Marlene did.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Insert Malady Here

When I awoke this morning, I was already waiting for 1:00pm. This was the magic hour when I would receive the results of an endometrial biopsy. Wait I did.

Through office-hour conversations with students about the dueling "unruly mobs" in Fritz Lang's M.

Through chit-chat with the administrative staff and exchanging one-liners with my favorite advisor. Wait I did, by God. And then 1:00pm came.

My fingers trembled as I dialed the number of the Health Center and they continued trembling as I heard Cheryl say that the nurse I needed to talk to had just gone back with a patient. "Okay," I said, "just let her know I'm wanting my test results. I'll wait at this number until she calls me back."

Wait, just wait. Wait to find out that something is out of synch. Wait to find out that there's nothing whatsoever awry. Wait to find out that I have cancer. Or worse, wait and see another doctor or two or three or five.

Fifteen minutes later, I gave it another try. This time Cheryl says, "She wanted me to tell you to come in and talk to the doctor." The phrase, come in and talk to the doctor, was pre-established code for shit ain't lookin' right. The doctor, nurse, and I had agreed on the code the day I had the biopsy.

By 4:00pm this afternoon, I was sitting in the waiting room. Waiting. Until 5:00. And then, I got the news. Something is causing me to bleed into my uterine cavity. Apparently, this is some cause for concern. So much so that I get to wait until the morning to call 4 different doctors and schedule a hysteroscopy, a DNC, and ultimately a hysterectomy.

Bring it on.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Whatever Took Me So Long?

Today, I plunked down 119 Samolians for an iPod Shuffle and I could swear my cool quotient rose by about 8 million points. Somehow, I feel unencumbered, lighter in my shoes, freer and superior to those who are still using CD players -- how recherche.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Leave Me Out of It

Wednesday is my day off. No teaching, no office hours, no one whining to me about how hard the assignment was. Today, I spent my time running from pillar to post -- after all, I be the RunninFool!

First stop -- Office of the Director of the Program. Turns out I'm in need to a few weeks off the teaching gig. Yep, after 5 years of giving everything I have in the classroom (*sniff, sniff*), it's time for me to take my foot off the gas and get some rest while I write my dissertation. So, next term I will not teach.


Eat properly
Rest often
Run like the Fool I have become (every other day)
Learn to really meditate
Take midday naps
Answer e-mail only on the weekends
Begin intermediate Salsa dancing lessons
Bake bread
Call my Mother each day
Start writing letters again -- it's so gentile
Clean out the top of the closet
Give away what I no longer wear -- or what I wish I'd never bought in the first place
Practice my Italian
Have a massage once a week
Drink more water

Ambitious list, I know... But that's what time off is for, right?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Begins the Voyage Out

Well, this day is over. Somehow, this assertion bears little relief for me. Lately, most of my days are spent looking for eruptions on my skin -- this is one of the quotidian details I will miss when I pass on. Looking for some thing, something discernible as pus, shall we say? Waiting for the little tingle just beneath the not-so-easy skin under my left arm or under my breasts or just at the top of one or both of my thighs, next to my "personal section" that alerts me to what comes next.

It all begins with Hot Water, as much and as often as I can stand. Then comes the cursing, the litany of things I haven't eaten, haven't done: "Godammit! I haven't eaten any chocolate, I haven't smoked any cigarettes! I'm good on the citrus fruit thing, and I haven't had a latte in almost two months! Why does this keep happening?!"

It's silly, really, for me to ask why this keeps happening. The answer is that with me it's chronic. Boils on the insides of my thighs, on my buttocks, on my vulva (of which little remains after a few surgeries) -- any of those delicate places on a big woman's body where her flesh meets itself: warm, dark, moist. It's the bacteria, really.

What I have I have had since the early 1980s. One morning I awoke to find that there were abscesses on my genitals and inner thighs. Horrible, purplish and dark cherry pustules that had arrived on my body in the night. I never saw it coming. Walking was next to impossible and I feared for my life, convinced that this must be some alien strain of VD that I had picked up from sex with a man who spoke no English and who waited tables in my favorite Mexican restaurant at the time. Someone was punishing me.

Olive View was the closest county clinic so I took myself there for my very first misdiagnosis.

After that, it just got more absurd until I found a surgeon who could (a) identify what I had and (b) cut it out of my body. Before he made me feel better, though, he made me feel a hell of a lot worse. Before he made me feel better, he told me that this condition would be with me forever. That's for fucking ever. I was in the hospital on intravenous antibiotics for 5 days before he would even touch me. Then, he removed a strip of skin that started on my right labia and extended almost to my rectum. It was the most painful thing I had ever experienced.

While I was recovering from the operation, the abscesses came back. Somewhere else. Then I began having my period every 19 or so days.

For the next ten years, I tried every treatment I could possibly find. I did my own research, found doctors and alternative health practitioners for myself.

There have been strange teas, acupuncture, acupressure, little black pills, Keflex, Flagyl, Augmentin, Tetracycline, Accutane, medical "intuitives", evangelists laying on hands, nuns in faraway convents praying, stinky salves, homeopathy, naturopathy, a constant supply of 4x4 bandages and surgical tape, Betadine, Hydrogen Peroxide, salicylic acid, colonics, birth control pills, and most recently Depo-Provera. All-cotton clothing, organic deodorant only, Vicks VapoRub and my trusty heating pad.

Right now, this moment, I am alive.

To date, I have had four operations -- three vulvectomies and one other radical excision of three different sites. Believe me, I am one of the fortunate ones. Others have had operations in the double digits; complete with skin grafts and various reconstructive surgical procedures.

My *first* year of graduate school, I had an operation (1999).
My *(supposed) last* year of graduate school, another operation (October, 2005).

Friday, January 20, 2006

Cabin Fever

RunninFool Revealed
  1. I love to sleep
  2. I often wear earplugs to bed
  3. Green onions upset me something terribly
  4. Secretly, I've always wanted to become a nun
  5. As a child in Denver, Colorado, my neighborhood friends and I were given promotional materials for a *brand new* show called Sesame Street
  6. I remember being sent home from Cure D'Ars Catholic school the day Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Was assassinated
  7. Once I gave an impromptu comedy performance in front of my third grade class
  8. My grandfather was a black firefighter in Denver, Colorado from the 1930s to the 1960s
  9. The smell of garlic makes me feel nauseous
  10. I've had four poems published
  11. I started college at age 35 after flunking out at 17
  12. For the past 20+ years I have had a chronic, incurable disease called HS (or Acne Inversa)
  13. I spoke at my high school graduation without being (a) a graduate and (b) Valedictorian
  14. I'm wild about Alfred Hitchcock
  15. I teach Film Noir
  16. Watching tele-Cheez-evangelist Jack Van Impe's Sunday night show is my guilty pleasure
  17. For two years, I had recurring dreams of running -- so I started running three weeks ago
  18. I have a cousin who went to prison in Missouri for 15+ years. He was paroled and about a year later was sent back to prison for another 32 years. He'll be 72 when he finally gets out.
  19. I struggle with whether or not I believe in Jesus as the son of God
  20. It jolts me when people say that "over the telephone, [they] can't tell [I'm] black."
  21. One of my siblings has lived in Frankfurt, Germany for nearly 20 years
  22. A maternal aunt of mine lived in Frankfurt, Germany for nearly 30 years
  23. I was once in an exercise video entitled "Big and Better" (or something like that)
  24. When my mother caught me smoking cigarettes at 12 years of age, she made me smoke an entire pack
  25. I began smoking cigarettes in earnest at 16
  26. I still remember the Dewey Decimal System
  27. When I was younger, I played "pretend" school while pretending to be Sister Mary Christine (of the Dominican Order, no less)
  28. I have had three partial vulvectomies (yep, that's what it says)
  29. My childhood nickname was Kissy
  30. I've never watched the movie E.T.
  31. I invented the word erotico-religious for a paper on Eliot's Love Song of St. Sebastian
  32. I'm not sure I'm really a feminist
  33. I laugh in my sleep
  34. My favorite place in the world is the Canary Islands
  35. One place I never want to see again is Mountain Home, Idaho
  36. I love Eggo Homestyle Waffles more than just about anything
  37. I never go out with Libra men
  38. I have learned that teaching is an original performance art
  39. I don't know what the fuss is about James Joyce
  40. Seinfeld still makes me roll with laughter
  41. I swear because I like the way the words feel when they escape my mouth
  42. I'm a graduate student -- a teaching fellow and doctoral candidate
  43. Chocolate, coffee and inordinate amounts of citrus fruit give me abscesses
  44. Cigarettes give me abscesses
  45. Television news is worse than soap operas
  46. Both my brothers were born in Germany
  47. River Phoenix was born on my birthday
  48. Gone With the Wind is one of my all-time stay-at-home-and-veg movies
  49. I once went mountain climbing in Wales
  50. I have gained and lost 100 pounds at least once in my life
  51. My Mother wears a size 12 shoe
  52. I gave my first solo poetry reading at Mother Kali's Books in Eugene, Oregon
  53. I once had dinner with Martin Sheen's brother (who is quite gracious and lovely)
  54. I can cluck the "Star-Spangled Banner"
  55. I do a flawless impression of Elmo
  56. At one point, my undergraduate GPA was 4.2
  57. I received my GED the day before I left for college (the first time)
  58. A man once mistook me for a prostitute in Berlin
  59. I cried when I saw the Mona Lisa at the Louvre
  60. I still cry when I watch the movie Ryan's Daughter
  61. People constantly give me teddy bears as gifts even though I never ask for them
  62. When I eat pizza, I eat the toppings and cheese first and the crust afterward
  63. I have never been married and have no children
  64. My students do not call me by my first name
  65. In the 5 years I have taught at my present university, I have had a total of 3 black students
  66. Secretly, I want to be a comic
  67. I have recorded books for the blind
  68. My father died of prostate cancer in 2003 as a result of Agent Orange exposure 30 years earlier in Vietnam
  69. Once, I ran into the actor who played "Ben Walton" handing out customer satisfaction surveys at a department store in Sherman Oaks (brown suit, peach shirt, brown tie)
  70. I refuse to dye my hair regardless of how gray it gets
  71. I really do enjoy driving a Hyundai
  72. I don't trust women who wear skirts over jeans
  73. I am a lifelong Democrat for some odd reason
  74. I currently have a fibroid the size of a tennis ball growing in my uterus
  75. I am related to no one famous -- except maybe my cousin who made a sex-date with a 14 year-old girl and was subsequently arrested when he showed up
  76. I am an herbal tea junkie
  77. I never pay full price for a movie ticket
  78. I prefer paper to plastic
  79. I listen to "oldies" more than I care to admit
  80. In my experience, academics have lower self-esteem than a good portion of the population
  81. I am an opera-lover even though I've never been
  82. My dream job is at a community college
  83. My dream hair is that of Miss Diana Ross
  84. Deli turkey grosses me out
  85. I have no pets
  86. I have no plants
  87. I have a weakness for buying underwear
  88. 99.9% of my socks are white anklet-style
  89. I own only two items of blue clothing
  90. I have a phobia about taking baths -- showers only for me
  91. I would vote for Oprah -- if she would have me on her show
  92. I firmly back Oregon's assisted suicide law
  93. I believe in medical marijuana
  94. I believe feminine hygiene products should be subsidized by the government
  95. I can flip my eyelids inside out
  96. I laugh when I'm being chased
  97. I laugh during sex
  98. I have found it impossible to learn to play chess
  99. My best friend and I were born on the same day -- 8 years apart -- she's a Leo, I'm a Virgo
  100. I believe that love matters