Cabin Fever
RunninFool Revealed
- I love to sleep
- I often wear earplugs to bed
- Green onions upset me something terribly
- Secretly, I've always wanted to become a nun
- As a child in Denver, Colorado, my neighborhood friends and I were given promotional materials for a *brand new* show called Sesame Street
- I remember being sent home from Cure D'Ars Catholic school the day Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Was assassinated
- Once I gave an impromptu comedy performance in front of my third grade class
- My grandfather was a black firefighter in Denver, Colorado from the 1930s to the 1960s
- The smell of garlic makes me feel nauseous
- I've had four poems published
- I started college at age 35 after flunking out at 17
- For the past 20+ years I have had a chronic, incurable disease called HS (or Acne Inversa)
- I spoke at my high school graduation without being (a) a graduate and (b) Valedictorian
- I'm wild about Alfred Hitchcock
- I teach Film Noir
- Watching tele-Cheez-evangelist Jack Van Impe's Sunday night show is my guilty pleasure
- For two years, I had recurring dreams of running -- so I started running three weeks ago
- I have a cousin who went to prison in Missouri for 15+ years. He was paroled and about a year later was sent back to prison for another 32 years. He'll be 72 when he finally gets out.
- I struggle with whether or not I believe in Jesus as the son of God
- It jolts me when people say that "over the telephone, [they] can't tell [I'm] black."
- One of my siblings has lived in Frankfurt, Germany for nearly 20 years
- A maternal aunt of mine lived in Frankfurt, Germany for nearly 30 years
- I was once in an exercise video entitled "Big and Better" (or something like that)
- When my mother caught me smoking cigarettes at 12 years of age, she made me smoke an entire pack
- I began smoking cigarettes in earnest at 16
- I still remember the Dewey Decimal System
- When I was younger, I played "pretend" school while pretending to be Sister Mary Christine (of the Dominican Order, no less)
- I have had three partial vulvectomies (yep, that's what it says)
- My childhood nickname was Kissy
- I've never watched the movie E.T.
- I invented the word erotico-religious for a paper on Eliot's Love Song of St. Sebastian
- I'm not sure I'm really a feminist
- I laugh in my sleep
- My favorite place in the world is the Canary Islands
- One place I never want to see again is Mountain Home, Idaho
- I love Eggo Homestyle Waffles more than just about anything
- I never go out with Libra men
- I have learned that teaching is an original performance art
- I don't know what the fuss is about James Joyce
- Seinfeld still makes me roll with laughter
- I swear because I like the way the words feel when they escape my mouth
- I'm a graduate student -- a teaching fellow and doctoral candidate
- Chocolate, coffee and inordinate amounts of citrus fruit give me abscesses
- Cigarettes give me abscesses
- Television news is worse than soap operas
- Both my brothers were born in Germany
- River Phoenix was born on my birthday
- Gone With the Wind is one of my all-time stay-at-home-and-veg movies
- I once went mountain climbing in Wales
- I have gained and lost 100 pounds at least once in my life
- My Mother wears a size 12 shoe
- I gave my first solo poetry reading at Mother Kali's Books in Eugene, Oregon
- I once had dinner with Martin Sheen's brother (who is quite gracious and lovely)
- I can cluck the "Star-Spangled Banner"
- I do a flawless impression of Elmo
- At one point, my undergraduate GPA was 4.2
- I received my GED the day before I left for college (the first time)
- A man once mistook me for a prostitute in Berlin
- I cried when I saw the Mona Lisa at the Louvre
- I still cry when I watch the movie Ryan's Daughter
- People constantly give me teddy bears as gifts even though I never ask for them
- When I eat pizza, I eat the toppings and cheese first and the crust afterward
- I have never been married and have no children
- My students do not call me by my first name
- In the 5 years I have taught at my present university, I have had a total of 3 black students
- Secretly, I want to be a comic
- I have recorded books for the blind
- My father died of prostate cancer in 2003 as a result of Agent Orange exposure 30 years earlier in Vietnam
- Once, I ran into the actor who played "Ben Walton" handing out customer satisfaction surveys at a department store in Sherman Oaks (brown suit, peach shirt, brown tie)
- I refuse to dye my hair regardless of how gray it gets
- I really do enjoy driving a Hyundai
- I don't trust women who wear skirts over jeans
- I am a lifelong Democrat for some odd reason
- I currently have a fibroid the size of a tennis ball growing in my uterus
- I am related to no one famous -- except maybe my cousin who made a sex-date with a 14 year-old girl and was subsequently arrested when he showed up
- I am an herbal tea junkie
- I never pay full price for a movie ticket
- I prefer paper to plastic
- I listen to "oldies" more than I care to admit
- In my experience, academics have lower self-esteem than a good portion of the population
- I am an opera-lover even though I've never been
- My dream job is at a community college
- My dream hair is that of Miss Diana Ross
- Deli turkey grosses me out
- I have no pets
- I have no plants
- I have a weakness for buying underwear
- 99.9% of my socks are white anklet-style
- I own only two items of blue clothing
- I have a phobia about taking baths -- showers only for me
- I would vote for Oprah -- if she would have me on her show
- I firmly back Oregon's assisted suicide law
- I believe in medical marijuana
- I believe feminine hygiene products should be subsidized by the government
- I can flip my eyelids inside out
- I laugh when I'm being chased
- I laugh during sex
- I have found it impossible to learn to play chess
- My best friend and I were born on the same day -- 8 years apart -- she's a Leo, I'm a Virgo
- I believe that love matters
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